Hi. I am shocked about how much impact
the internet has on my life. I spend hours looking for latest news
etc. . . . A friend of mine became mad while he was window-shopping
in Trieste: On the stores’ TV screens he saw airplanes flying
into the Twin Towers. He was enraged about how, once again, the
media only covered accidents in developed countries. He thought
about all the other accidents and catastrophes happening around
the globe…
Then he heard the whole thing was not an accident.
Indeed, a couple of months ago 700 people died
because a ship drowned. Remember?
It was really not one of the finest stories newspapers
produced, but anyway -- I must say- lately, our news coverage was given a new
twist: A mother caught with surveillance cameras beating up her child. This journalist
wants to interview me, but at the same time, he gives me no option for correction.
Is he actually interviewing himself? I think, I am a stranger to my own family.
I live on a different continent. I am working on weekends. My dilemma: I do find
some time to talk to neighbors, friends and colleagues. This is the reason, why
I called my album “So easy, hard to practice”: My family tells me
what I do wrong. This is not comfortable. I like giving interviews, if I have
time. Human dignity? The woman cried, “I look like a monster!” And
I saw her face. Man, I wonder why. There is a picture of me among a crowd of
people: angry, desperate, two months after September 11. Nobody ever asked me
about it. I discovered it online. The other day I watched a monitor and saw a
person waiting in an elevator. I felt deeply disturbed.
How can I explain “War on Terrorism”??
I also do not know why the world wants to go to war. I think better ways than
war and terrorism do exist, more responsible ways to deal with the symptoms of
globalization, which only indicates that something is not so good yet. Every
day I take the subway and sometimes I wonder if I took the wrong stop and landed
in Israel. I see the National Guard in the station, electronic surveillance,
etc. Well, we do not have the Intifada here, yet. It is good to help each other
out. If I had not had any friends in the music business, I would not still make
music for money. The key lies in the dosage, I say, imagine, nobody accepting
a friend to help him? Perfect victims! I am a coach in the Psychiatric Center,
I volunteer. You cannot imagine, clients come to this ward in order to test if
they are able to lead a normal life or not. How they do it? Listen, as far as
I observe their situation they lounge around in a dark room with a shut piano,
a skinny cat and a ping-pong table. Why do you think they asked me to go there?
An employee was promoted and there is no money. Sometimes I think that people
like me are taken advantage of, in order to keep things the way they are. But
when I see, how happy the clients are sometimes, when I have time for them, I
believe I am doing the right thing, at least on a personal level.
I do not want to be brave anymore; I want to be
a wimp, because I say, “Please, do not start World War III!” Since
the cold war, we have the third world, the fourth world… Hey, how does
it feel to live in the third world on earth? Why do rich people get better medical
attention than poor people do? Is it true that most doctors take care of you
better, if you can afford it? We have a crazy government, they want to have war,
I mean terrorism. They call themselves freedom fighters. What we do in their
secret police comes close to the Gestapo. I do not want to take any part in a
world mafia war. Corrupt dictators lie to their soldiers with a straight face.
I do not like this. Actually, I want a democracy reform.