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GIVE THE WORD!!! (Fortsetzung) Teil 1 : 2 : 3

     This Heinous Act, is not just an event, it is part of a whole process Monopoly Capitalism goes through as it reaches its apotheosis. The difference between Hitler Fascism and The model which Internati9onal Finance Capital is experimenting with, which we must fight and defeat, is that contemporary Fascism would come in as A Privatized State, A Corporate State, but still ruled by what Dimitrov describe as " the most right wing, fascist, jingoistic sector of Finance Capital. But with the "privatized" seemingly purely Economic re-organization of the state, constitution, government, &c so they are literally and directly ruled by an international corporate structure, t all Democracy and Peoples' Governance would be, dig this, wiped out LEGALLY!
     Revolution is both Open & Closed, Legal & Extra-Legal, Visible & In. By stopping the filthy Imperialist germs who are determined to eliminate all democratic advances in, we can begin to REBUILLD the US Anti Imperialist movement and the revolutionary struggle for a US Peoples Democracy.
     Rip these symbols down where ever you see them, when you are not in danger, or come back later, or the next day, when it's safer. Mao said, the revolutionary wants to "Save Oneself & Destroy the Enemy."
     Let our struggle against the Vile Symbol of Chattel slavery become the single spark that can re ignite the raging prairie fire that will stop the rightward move of the us rulers, educate the masses o people, unite revolutionaries with a US and Intl United Front Against Imperialism andlead the struggle to transform the Us into a Peoples Democracy as the next stage of the struggle for Socialism!
     Revolutionaries Unite with the Many in a Revolutionary Democratic United Front. This is the most effective organized mass body to overthrow US Imperialism and replace it with Peoples' Democracy. i.e. Majority Rule, by means of a United Front Government led by the Working Class, in strategic Alliance with Farmers, Urban Petty bourgeois and even tactically with the less fatuous sector of the Revolution is not an event but a process, which moves in stages. In the US, at the present stage, where as Lonny Weinglass said, Imperialism has taken off s gloves, and the whole people is beginning to understand despite the continuous alienation the bourgeoisie push with their propaganda and pornographic commercial culture.
     It is time to fight for Self Determination Democracy & Equal Rights, revolutionary struggle for majority rule of s United Front Peoples Democratic USA.
     National bourgeoisie, Oppressed Nationalities Which we looked at infuriated by the open cold dismissal of equal rights for Afro America, Latinos, Haitians and even Jewish Senior Citizens in Bush Brother Jeb (named after a confederate general)) and Democracy, not this Fake Democracy.

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